NetBattlers' Break Corner - NetBattle - Affiliazione - Nintendo

Member Group:Administrator
Member Title:~~~
come closer...
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Birthday:11 Jan. 1991
Interests:conoscere, amare, vivere
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Joined:29/9/2005, 19:18
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As a player, Cyber is someone who can click accurately very fast. That is pretty much the most accurate summary of Cyber that I can give you. When I played with Cyber, he was basically a tool that you micromanaged, either in lane or in game. I taught him everything you need to know about laning, and then some. Eventually, he became an extension of myself (in lane at least), which was a very good thing. I tried to teach Cyber how to be more impactful game wise but it is very hard to get through to his head. The best example that I remember is after taking a tower early game, Cyber (Caitlyn) farmed wraiths and wolves on cooldown because it was “impossible to take mid tower versus an orianna” 3v1 as she had “wave clear”. Despite the fact that every team rotates mid to pressure towers no matter who their mid lane is due to virtue of numbers. Because of me, Cyber is now a very strong laner, but I think that is where his identity ends. Cyber’s view on the game and lanes is probably the single most baffling thing about him. His opinions at times are not justified in the slightest, and can change completely based on random whims. There really isn’t much more to say about Cyber from my perspective because with my time on Le Perle di Sharingan Cyber was always under my wing and that never changed in my perspective, but from his it obviously did.

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